03 May

"From Soil to Glass" was something that was inside the kit I received when I asked to work with Dry Farm Wines. Now read that again... I reached out to THEM and asked to work with them! 

Something to know about my #ketoblog and my social media in general is that I do not work with anyone and everyone that reaches out to me. It is actually quite the opposite. I have lists of advertisers, affiliate programs, and partnerships with contract proposals that I do not sign on to work with them. Why? Well, have you ever tried to "sell" something that you yourself did not use, much less like? 

Yeaaaa... No. As my toddler would say "I can't like that".  Meanwhile this is what my front door looks like on delivery day. "Nothing to see here!"

So let me start with saying I have seen a lot more advertising now for "sugarfree" or "keto friendly" alcohol. Especially on platforms like facebook and instagram. So let me start with, yes, I have tried a lot of them. From White Claw to drink Bev. And I always come back to Dry Farm Wines. When it comes to a fresh, natural, and pure taste, they have been the hands down winner for me. Not to mention the fact that my husband (who is NOT ketogenic or low carber) could not tell the different in my wine vs everyday wine.  His words were, "it tastes like wine, what am I missed?" So, your initial thought of "ugh but what will this taste like?" Scratch that from your brain because you're going to take one taste of your first bottle and be like me with multiple boxes at your door. Just be prepared to hide those boxes from your husband. 

When I started to educate myself more on the brand, I really liked what they stood for. Organic, biodynamically grown, regenerative agriculture. I have been trying to educate myself more on sustainability, whatever that means to you. As I am finding it really has a vague meaning to many people. But dry farm supports the NATURAL process of how wine was made back in the day, and how wine is really supposed to be made. To me, taking things down to their simplest form and original process is always more sustainable in my eyes. Their business is much more of a small family because of this. They have a handful of small family owned, farms that they work with and are all lab tested for purity.  In simple words, their wine is delicious and better for you so - the real question is why are you NOT drinking this wine?

I personally have gotten the reds, whites, and just ordered the rose for my husband to share with me (because he drinks girly drinks).  They also have been great with pushing out shipments to a later date or skipping this shipment all together. Heck, they will even let you return a shipment if you forget and it still comes. I also know that if you get a bottle in your shipment, you are not a fan of, they will let you swap it, I personally have not ever done that but I heard that they did this with 0 questions asked. They have been excellent in customer service (which I am HUGE on!). I was once told my Horst Schulze (one of the original founders of the Ritz Carlton and a board member to a company I used to work for): "all people are looking for the exact same thing regardless of what your product or business is. They want their time valued, a quality product, and to feel welcomed (paraphrased)". This brand hits all those spots for me, and I am happy to be a Partner with Dry Farm Wines.  So go, buy the wine, drink the wine, share a bottle with.... everyone!

- The Ketosis Mom

Use this link and get an extra bottle for a PENNY. 



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- Jennifer @KetosisMom

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